Saturday, February 28, 2009


toward an aesthetic of a theatre drawn from life....its flow, power, interior vastness; setting an electric charge between performers...accessible to audience
spare sets moving back and forth in time, sensually alert, awake to the possibilities, our biological/ spiritual drive to connect with as many as we can
what gives drama its life is death, the possibility of change, finitude, gives us immediacy, urgency, a sense of preparing for and dreading death of people we love (ourselves included) pushed down in us emerging as ritual
no ideas but in things, plays which show people working things out through relationships, the illogical truth of it, doing things fiercely with hunger, need, reaching out to the various people in your life, to be of service to each other, expanding the notion of what we can be to each other and who can enter our circle
sharing intimate details of our lives with strangers in the park
lifting someone else up with the story of your own fall
the world opens up rather than shrinks, evasively...a bounce in your step
opposite of:
"And art made tongue tied by authority,
And folly (doctor-like) controlling skill,
And simple truth miscall'd simplicity,
And captive good attending captain ill."